Preferences - Appearance - Airmail for macOS
Preferences > Appearance. This article will help you to set Airmail exactly as you would like it to appear!
You can set custom appearance preferences in Airmail which are explained below. Airmail provides several
options to control its look and feel that allows a personal touch while also improving your workflow by
visually distinguishing messages from different accounts.
Airmail provides several themes to choose from that alter the overall look and feel of the Airmail messages'
list. The XL themes are designed for those with very high resolution or large monitors. You can change how
Airmail looks and this feature has been described in detail here
Show Account Description - Tells Airmail to add the account’s description content, if you added one.
Account description option can be found in 'Airmail Preferences > [Account] > User'.
Show Accounts Badge - Controls whether Airmail adds a badge with the Inbox or Unread message
count in the Account sidebar.
Show Unread or Count - Select whether you want to show the number of unread message or total
message count on Airmail’s dock icon and Account sidebar.
Show Badge in Dock - Controls whether Airmail adds a badge with the Inbox message count in the
Dock icon.
Sum Badge Counts in Dock - By default Airmail shows the count of the currently selected mailbox;
however, this option tells Airmail to always show the aggregated count across accounts.
Show Message Count - This option tells Airmail to show message counts for labels in accounts.
Profile Icons - This allows you to enable/disable profile icons of the senders in the message list.
Account Icons - While viewing All mail, Account Icons are displayed so that it is easy to know to which
account a particular email belongs.
Account Color - Account Color is a thin coloured line displayed on the left hand inside border of the
'message panel'. Account Colour is different for messages if they belong to different accounts, but are in
the same list in 'All Inboxes'. The feature helps you to differentiate the messages, which belong to different
email accounts that you have added with Airmail.
Highlight Unread - By checking this feature, only the messages which are ‘unread’ are shown in bold
style in message pane.
Use Conversations - Airmail provides a very powerful conversation view of your email, which is similar
to how Gmail handles multiple messages in a thread. Airmail gathers related messages into a single
collapsable view that simplifies tracking long mail threads for many people. However, others may find that
view confusing or perhaps they want to tweak that experience. Airmail provides both options.
Conversations in Sent and Draft Folders - This option groups messages in the Sent and Draft folders.
Group by Subject - Please find more details here.
This allows you to sort the conversations in either chronological (Received Date) or reverse chronological
order (Sent Date).
Auto Update Conversations - This option controls whether Airmail will automatically update a
conversation thread with a new message when it arrives. This is unchecked by default, so Airmail places a
notification next to the top thread message letting you know there are more messages without interrupting
your current focus.
Horizontal Quote - Traditionally mail clients mark quoted sections of emails with vertical lines. This is
fine in most cases, however, if you typically deal with long email chains these quoting levels quickly become
unmanageable. Airmail introduces a new way by offering horizontal quoting that places a small horizontal line between the previous messages as shown in the picture below:

Autoload Remote Images - By default, Airmail loads remote images referenced in messages. However,
security conscious users and organizations typically want the ability to disable this option. Once disabled,
you can tell Airmail to load the images for individual messages.
Show Older Messages First - By default Airmail shows new messages at the top of the message list and
this option allows you to reverse that sorting.
Expand Conversations - Choose whether you want Airmail to automatically expand the entire
conversation in the message preview pane or not.
You can set custom appearance preferences in Airmail which are explained below. Airmail provides several
options to control its look and feel that allows a personal touch while also improving your workflow by
visually distinguishing messages from different accounts.
Airmail provides several themes to choose from that alter the overall look and feel of the Airmail messages'
list. The XL themes are designed for those with very high resolution or large monitors. You can change how
Airmail looks and this feature has been described in detail here
Show Account Description - Tells Airmail to add the account’s description content, if you added one.
Account description option can be found in 'Airmail Preferences > [Account] > User'.
Show Accounts Badge - Controls whether Airmail adds a badge with the Inbox or Unread message
count in the Account sidebar.
Show Unread or Count - Select whether you want to show the number of unread message or total
message count on Airmail’s dock icon and Account sidebar.
Show Badge in Dock - Controls whether Airmail adds a badge with the Inbox message count in the
Dock icon.
Sum Badge Counts in Dock - By default Airmail shows the count of the currently selected mailbox;
however, this option tells Airmail to always show the aggregated count across accounts.
Show Message Count - This option tells Airmail to show message counts for labels in accounts.
Profile Icons - This allows you to enable/disable profile icons of the senders in the message list.
Account Icons - While viewing All mail, Account Icons are displayed so that it is easy to know to which
account a particular email belongs.
Account Color - Account Color is a thin coloured line displayed on the left hand inside border of the
'message panel'. Account Colour is different for messages if they belong to different accounts, but are in
the same list in 'All Inboxes'. The feature helps you to differentiate the messages, which belong to different
email accounts that you have added with Airmail.
Highlight Unread - By checking this feature, only the messages which are ‘unread’ are shown in bold
style in message pane.
Use Conversations - Airmail provides a very powerful conversation view of your email, which is similar
to how Gmail handles multiple messages in a thread. Airmail gathers related messages into a single
collapsable view that simplifies tracking long mail threads for many people. However, others may find that
view confusing or perhaps they want to tweak that experience. Airmail provides both options.
Conversations in Sent and Draft Folders - This option groups messages in the Sent and Draft folders.
Group by Subject - Please find more details here.
This allows you to sort the conversations in either chronological (Received Date) or reverse chronological
order (Sent Date).
Auto Update Conversations - This option controls whether Airmail will automatically update a
conversation thread with a new message when it arrives. This is unchecked by default, so Airmail places a
notification next to the top thread message letting you know there are more messages without interrupting
your current focus.
Horizontal Quote - Traditionally mail clients mark quoted sections of emails with vertical lines. This is
fine in most cases, however, if you typically deal with long email chains these quoting levels quickly become
unmanageable. Airmail introduces a new way by offering horizontal quoting that places a small horizontal line between the previous messages as shown in the picture below:

Autoload Remote Images - By default, Airmail loads remote images referenced in messages. However,
security conscious users and organizations typically want the ability to disable this option. Once disabled,
you can tell Airmail to load the images for individual messages.
Show Older Messages First - By default Airmail shows new messages at the top of the message list and
this option allows you to reverse that sorting.
Expand Conversations - Choose whether you want Airmail to automatically expand the entire
conversation in the message preview pane or not.
Updated on: 01/27/2019
Thank you!