Adding Images or Attachments to a Message - Airmail for macOS
How to add inline images, attachments, sending via cloud drives like iCloud Drive, Google Drive, On-eDrive, Droplr etc. in Airmail Composer.
There are two ways to add attachments to a message in Airmail, either by “Drag & Drop” (the easiest
method) or by selecting an attachment on your computer using Finder and adding it to the message.
To use this method, open a new message window (or reply to an existing message) and drag and drop any
attachment and it will show in the bottom section of the composer. If you drag and drop images and want
them as attachments rather than inline images, drag them and release below the horizontal indicator line in
the bottom section of the composer, as shown in the video on a given link.
Click here
Alternatively, you can use Finder to locate a file or image on your Mac and add it to the Composer window.
To do this, click on the 'paper clip icon' at the top of the Composer window. This will open a Finder window
so you can select your file and it will be added to your message.

The attachments will show in the bottom section and the message size will be shown in the title bar on the
Please watch the video below and let us know if you have any concerns.
Video link
There are two ways to add attachments to a message in Airmail, either by “Drag & Drop” (the easiest
method) or by selecting an attachment on your computer using Finder and adding it to the message.
Drag & Drop
To use this method, open a new message window (or reply to an existing message) and drag and drop any
attachment and it will show in the bottom section of the composer. If you drag and drop images and want
them as attachments rather than inline images, drag them and release below the horizontal indicator line in
the bottom section of the composer, as shown in the video on a given link.
Click here
Attaching via Finder
Alternatively, you can use Finder to locate a file or image on your Mac and add it to the Composer window.
To do this, click on the 'paper clip icon' at the top of the Composer window. This will open a Finder window
so you can select your file and it will be added to your message.

The attachments will show in the bottom section and the message size will be shown in the title bar on the
How to send attachments via the cloud services that are available in Airmail Composer?
Please watch the video below and let us know if you have any concerns.
Video link
Updated on: 03/18/2019
Thank you!